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I haven’t “said it several times”, despite your inference. Every international situation, if it truly concerns our national security interests is different and should and must be approached as such — no big fan of foreign interventions or entanglements here, but there are some situations that might arise to warrant one — variables and factors weigh in — all hypothetical. The Ukrainian Parliament heard the Bell of Freedom ringing on February 22, 2014, and they ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, their corrupt leader. Since the collapse of the former U.S.S.R, many corrupt men and women have sought to govern Ukraine, in order to empty her treasury; historically, Ukraine has been deliberately exploited geopolitically by many nations over the past five centuries, such as Poland, Germany and Russia, and its language and culture suppressed by all, except for the Hapsburg Monarchy. And, now that Ukraine’s Parliament has issued an arrest warrant for Yanukovych and answered their people’s call for freedom, the vast majority want Ukraine’s course to be uncorrupted and set by the Ukrainian people, without outside interference from the U.S., the European Union and Russia.

The Meaning Behind The Song: Burning Down The House by Talking Heads
From Bonnie Raitt to Tom Jones: 5 Unexpected Covers of Talking Heads' 1983 Hit "Burning Down the House" - American Songwriter
From Bonnie Raitt to Tom Jones: 5 Unexpected Covers of Talking Heads' 1983 Hit "Burning Down the House".
Posted: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Philip Zelikow, writing in Foreign Affairs, objected to Stinnett’s claim that the Japanese naval code was being read at the time (the JN-25 code was changed shortly before the attack and was not decrypted again until May 1942), an objection also raised by Crane. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association website addresses the intelligence issues in greater detail and disputes claims that the fleet was detected through direction finding; the author also criticizes Stinnett’s use of testimony from Robert Ogg, originally identified as “Seaman Z” by John Toland in his 1986 book. Indeed, Ogg expressly denies saying what Toland quotes him as saying. In their annotations on the 1995 Pentagon study of the attack, Frederic Borch and Daniel Martinez, chief historian at the USS Arizona Memorial, also dispute these claims and call his claims “totally false”.
Missing lyrics by Talking Heads?
Paramore Put on the Big Suit for ‘Burning Down The House’ Talking Heads Cover - Rolling Stone
Paramore Put on the Big Suit for ‘Burning Down The House’ Talking Heads Cover.
Posted: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Let us resolve, despite Obama, to see Ukraine enter the EU and NATO under the next administration, if that is truly their desire. Let us immediately erect a tactical nuclear shield, across the European fault lines and aimed directly at Moscow, as was planned for by Ronald Reagan, and only then worry with making Putin pay an economic price. Let us move forward unwilling to permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and more determined than ever to not tempt our adversaries with weakness, as we prevent one tyranny, once removed, from being replaced by a far more iron tyranny. Whether anyone wants to admit it, China is ramping up and preparing to supplant the U.S. as the world’s foremost global power, both monetarily and militarily. They know that they too have to eventually unwind themselves from this symbiotic economic situation that currently exists between our two nations.
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Every nation has an absolute right to determine who they wish to allow to reside or visit within their controlled domain. Such has been the way of nations since the beginning, and even Rome and China sought to keep the barbarians out. This depiction of our old Muslim ex president is really entertaining.Side bar comments are also entertaining. That said,we are all to a large degree responsible for the insanity as we did not fight it at a much earlier time,hence,will be a tougher slog now…..,sigh. You seem to have confused me calling you a loud mouthed boor with some desire on my part to engage with a shabbos Goy in a civil manner.
Interim Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov, Petro Poroshenko – opposition member of Ukraine’s Parliament, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama all agree that Ukraine’s territorial integrity must be preserved. Each has a different understanding of this term “territorial integrity.” Just as in the 1950s, today some Ukrainians in the Orthodox east and south still long for the Russian state, while in the west, with its Hapsburg and Polish traditions and its strong Uniate Church, Ukrainian nationhood is understood as inherently anti-Russian.
Speaking in Tongues [Bonus Tracks]
Until and unless you show me the proper common respect due any person and address me by my name, and stop trying to slur me, I probably won’t be responding to anything you post on any future articles. Senator from South Carolina, said, “The Ukrainians who rose to demand freedom need to be comforted by our words and intentions, and the thugs in the Kremlin need to fear them” (Heritage Foundation). Like the lawyer in “Chicago” I see you dancing faster and faster.
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Why else would he (FDR) wage an unconstitutional, undeclared war against the German Navy in the Atlantic? The sinking of the U.S.S Reuben James off Iceland October 31, 1941 is the tragic reality of placing a ship & crew in an environment they had no business being in, engaged in a activity they had no business being a part of. WW1 was a conspiracy by the US and UK, and was engineered by Cecil Rhodes, who was the father of the Boar Wars. The agenda was to take out both Russia with the Revolution and Germany through war and reoperations.
In September of 2023, commemorating the film's 40th anniversary, a remastered version was released across America in IMAX theaters, and later in conventional theaters worldwide. As music critic Chris Molanphy has noted, “Burning Down The House” is a song that manages to be both catchy and meaningful. It reflects the cultural and political context of its time while also tapping into universal and timeless themes. In doing so, it has become a beloved piece of music that continues to resonate with listeners around the world. A founding member of the band War, Harold gives a first-person account of one of the most important periods in music history.
The progressives spent 75 years attempting to get it passed before they finally succeeded. If you can convince more than half of our current State governments to call a Constitutional convention, and to call up their State Guard units in defense of their State and the Convention, maybe there is still a chance. The supreme court of USA, Inc. says you’re wrong.Actually, they don’t say anything.
The house used in the video is located on Myrtle Street in Union, New Jersey. Max Illidge (credited as Max Loving), vocalist of the band 40 Below Summer, and Rockets Redglare appear as the younger selves of Byrne and Jerry Harrison, respectively. The early 1980s were a time of great change in American society, with the rise of Ronald Reagan and conservative politics leading to a backlash against progressive values.
Stinnett argues that the attacking fleet was detected by radio and intelligence intercepts, but the information was deliberately withheld from Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the commander of the Pacific Fleet at that time. Only reason AH declared war on the U.S. was he was attempting to get the Japanese to declare war on the Soviet Union. The Wehrmacht was stretched to the near breaking point outside Moscow in Dec ‘41 with a Soviet counterattack that included 20 divisions of Siberians that had previously been stationed in the far east guarding against a possible Japanese attack. Stalin was worried about Japan joining in Operation Barbarossa. Putin made a conscious decision to invade Ukraine in 2014 and then again recently, because he doesn’t believe in self-determination or free will and freedom of association; he was initially angered when Ukraine ousted his puppet and sought to enter a lucrative economic deal with the EU over one he had proposed to them.
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